Ep 168 - I Wish I'd Looked After My Teef!

Well, what to say about this half-hour of audio content? The kindest possible account is that it does contain some quite elevated content, which one of the most beautiful women on Australian television manages to RUIN by inexplicably throwing the switch to Pam Ayres at a truly crucial moment.

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antony stockdale
Ep 167 - Riverdance!

Look, realistically: It's not going to come up again, ever. So naming rights for this episode go to the great Michael Flatley, with whose cult brand of Irish dancing Sales became re-acquainted recently after a stray text message from WHICH celebrated TV satirist????

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Ep 165 - Lie On My Couch

Janet Malcolm is dead and this drives our hosts into a discussion about interview techniques and ethics, via psychoanalysis (stick with us). Crabb talks about her new show Ms Represented and the session ends soothingly with kittens.

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Ep 164 - A Slab of XXXX

Crabb and Sales perform live on stage for the first time in 16 months in Sales’ home town of Brisbane. The event starts respectably enough with a brace of Queensland writers but the pair soon falls to bickering over the pronunciation of a terrible 1980s boy band.

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Ep 163 - A Husk Of The Cusk

Crabb has interviewed Cusk. She's sensibly failed to mention the recent Cusk-related anxiety wee-dream which you ALL REMEMBER. Sales is of course massively respectful of Cusk material seeing as it was all HER IDEA. But she also infectiously introduces the unscratchable itch that is Heartsick by Jessie Stephens.

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Ep 160 - Non-Stop

Crabb & Sales have been to see the Australian production of Hamilton, offering yet another opportunity for them to bang on about their latest obsession. Fortunately they move on quickly to Rachel Cusk and Aziz Ansari.

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Ep 157 - Us, But Posher

Leigh Sales has been hate-watching a terrible TV series. Why do we watch things we know are bad? Both of our narrators have VIEWS on this. On the upside, Crabb has read a terrific book.

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