EP 154 - Chess We Can!

The pair (freshly de-raddled by a summer break which Sales appears to have spent in a series of ocean pools) attempt to recap their prodigious summer cultural consumption but are swiftly derailed by an in-depth discussion of chess. Plus, which former US President just can't stop DM-ing Crabb, and which magazine recently rated Sales among Australia's Sexiest?

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EP 153 - 2020 Best of List

Trudging towards the end of 2020, Crabb and Sales come together one last time. Ordinarily this end-of-year reckoning would occur on stage at the ANU amid low-grade insults directed at vice-chancellor and Bundt-auteur Brian Schmidt, but as with many pleasurable events in 2020 it was binned. Screw you, 2020! With their remaining nanoparticles of neural capacity, the pair recap what they can remember of what they read, watched, cooked, and listened to in this plague year.

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EP 152 - Goldfish Brains

Staggering to the end of 2020, Crabb and Sales's attention spans are so completely shot that they can't retain anything they've seen or read. Still, Annabel loved The Crown, especially the standout performance by Gillian Anderson's jaw; and Leigh has finally got onto Cheer. Theatre is back! And the next instalment of (CLANG!) Garner's memoirs is out. They're both looking forward to reading the book by total legend Nat's What I Reckon.

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EP 151 - I Only Use Fire

Crabb's been RUNNING! And reading novels in verse! And Sales seems now to be obsessed with a TV series about Barbecue, featuring chefs who incinerate first and ask questions later. Don't panic though. Sales has been interviewing musicians and *accidentally* finding herself right next to a piano. So the world's still at least partially on its axis.

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EP 150 - Candle Melanie

Well, what a surprise. Sales has received some personal blowback for her recent excoriation of anyone who's ever given her a scented candle. Crabb enjoys Sales' shame but has also recently killed her laptop with duck fat so... swings, roundabouts. Sales is loving the new Judd Apatow series Love and is permitted two minutes ONLY on the Song Exploder episode with Lin Manuel Miranda. Meanwhile Crabb has hugely enjoyed Meg Mason's Sorrow and Bliss, and has a weird new crush on Nick Kyrgios thanks to Reputation Rehab on the ABC.

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EP 149 - Leigh Sales Will Burn Her Diaries

That's what she reckons anyway, though Crabb has left open a legally-enforceable (with the right lawyer) defence for saving them in this discussion of self-analysis arising from Sales' recent reading of a novel about group therapy. Setting their own petty scribblings aside however, Sales and Crabb have each read a "major publishing event" novel; Sales has done Richard Flanagan's latest and Crabb is all over Trent Dalton's keenly-awaited second novel.

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EP 148 - What Not To Get Sales For Christmas

Warning: This episode contains confronting material for anyone who's ever given Leigh Sales a scented candle as a gift. While Crabb frantically scrolls through past gifts, the pair review the Cathy Freeman doco, and consider the return of live theatre and music to Sydney. Crabb's watched a terrifying doco about how boys are politicised in Texas, and Sales has interviewed Donald Trump's former press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Both are $&%@!!?ing excited about Nat's What I Reckon putting a book out.

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EP 147 - A True Crime Spree

Sales is finding Dirty John 2 riveting, even though Connie Britton and her perfect hair aren't in it. The conversation then goes very dark, as Crabb has been on a crime (reading) spree, covering serial killers, rapists, drug dealing, drive-by shootings and domestic violence. Happily, we end with Schitt's Creek - and a final rake over Annabel's red shoes shame.

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EP 146 - The Ladies' Toilets At The UN Security Council

Crabb's been enjoying Julia Gillard's new book on women and leadership, while Sales has fawningly returned to the Chatter adulation-well for an interview with Yotam Ottolenghi. Once again, some of his suggestions (including, bafflingly, putting a vegetable on a char grill) prove "too hard" for Princess Leigh. Crabb pulls out her trump card: She's in touch with Marina Hyde. But then throws away whatever ground she's gained with possibly the most embarrassing celebrity contact story ever.

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EP 145 - The Details

Crabb is still obsessed with Curtis Sittenfeld while Sales wants to throttle a friend who got her hooked on the equivalent of a Spanish soap opera. Both find a rare moment of agreement to recognise a couple of podcasts about grace and redemption. Crabb's been at the cooking sherry again, probably.

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