Support Chat 10 Looks 3
We’re always humbled when Chatters ask how they can support our funny little podcast.
Here are a few ways you can do just that.
Your kind assistance will support the newsletter, the Facebook group and recording the podcast, and you’ll have the warm inner glow of knowing you’re contributing to keeping this clanking Kombi van on the road. Thank you so much!
Level 1:
Rate us on Spotify
Rate and review us on Apple Podcasts
Subscribe to Murph’s genius newsletter
Join the Chat 10 Community Facebook group
Follow our Facebook page, Instagram, YouTube.
Level 2:
Buy some of the amazing yet bonkers merch that Gwen has created
Donate to the incredible charities we’ve chosen for our live shows
You could even come to a live show (sign up for live show email alerts)
Watch previous live shows through our new livestream library
Sign up for a monthly subscription, starting at $2 per month.
Level 3:
Arrange for a skywriter to emblazon the horizon with a fairy wren
Bribe Ryan Reynolds to go on a date with Sales
Help Crabb find where she put that bloody pen.