It is an Over-Rooted Cake

Hi Chatters! Sales and Crabb have taken off for the holidays, so to tide you over please enjoy some of their favourite snippets from the past 9 years of Chat 10 Looks 3. 

This mini ep is taken from episode 103 'Where Are the Carrots?', originally published Feb 28, 2019. 

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Ep 227 - Farewell To A Totally Schmidt Year

Crabb and Sales bowl up to the Llewellyn Hall in preposterous garb to farewell outgoing ANU vice chancellor Brian Schmidt, surely the most tolerant Nobel laureate in the history of human achievement. Fortunately this gives Crabb (working with her last remaining shred of vocal cord) an excuse to write the Twelve Days Of Schmidtmas instead of trying to make 2023 funny, a task the prospect of which made her want to lie down in a dark room for some time. Sales is rapt because Kate from Alone shows up. And make sure you listen to the end because somebody does a RAP.

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Ep 221 - The Most Ridiculous Live Show EVER

It's the Perth live show, so OF COURSE there's a disaster. Crabb has totally lost her voice. Sales suggests that she can do a TED talk style 90-min solo address instead, the threat of which is enough to galvanise Crabb to race to Perth to protect local Chatters from this horrific fate. The pair use various workarounds to somehow achieve a chat show between two people, one of whom is mute. They discuss Morning Wars, Shayda, and Crabb manages to destroy Sales' favourite movie, which was nice for Crabb in a tough week. Thanks Perth Chatters for being SUCH a kind audience!

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Ep 219 - Breaking Point

The Matildas have sent Sales on yet another deep dive into sports documentaries and athlete psychology.  Crabb returns serve with surprising insights into the McEnroe/Borg era of tennis.  In case you're wondering if Chat 10 as you know it is finished, never fear: they're back to art, movies and Gwen's No 2. drops fairly rapidly.

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Ep 218 - Sales says: Wham! Adelaide says: Ouch!

This 80s band never toured to Adelaide. But Sales has compensated by talking about not one, not two, but THREE Wham! shows. As Crabb lapses in and out of consciousness, she manages to reminisce about Sinead O'Connor, and farewell her beautiful sister in law Anisa, friend of the show, who benefited in her last days from the palliative care team who are the joint charity partners of this live event. Local writers Robert Skinner and Walter Marsh feature, as well as Sales' new book which is a CRACKER. So much Chatter love in the room. You people really are the best.

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